How a Great Sign System Helps Your Business

Signs serve an obvious function: they help people identify where they’re going, and find their way from point A to point B without having to stop and ask for directions. They help people who are unfamiliar with a place navigate without stress or confusion. They also attract attention, helping to bring customers into a place of business.

But if your business or organization is large enough to need multiple signs, it’s imperative to develop a sign system. You’ve probably experienced many sign systems in your life without sparing them much thought– for example, any office building, airport, or hospital you go to has a sign system that’s been carefully planned by architects and sign makers to communicate information to people as clearly and efficiently as possible.

What exactly is a sign system?

A sign system, or signage system, is a complete set of information intended to help guide people through a physical space of some kind. This space could be a large building or a state park. Road signs in the United States are another example of a sign system. 

When we see those green signs with the bold white lettering, we know what to expect: they’re letting us know where we are, and how to get where we’re going. Essentially, all signage systems function just like that.

To explain in further detail, a large sign outside of a building might help customers or visitors identify the correct building– but if it’s a large building, they might need more help finding the room or area they need to get to. A sign system inside will help direct them, in a visually cohesive way– just like those green highway signs.

What makes a sign system effective?

With the United States’ highway signs as a continued example, we’re able to easily identify those signs without putting hardly any thought into it. That’s because they’re visually cohesive. They’re all about the same size and color, with the same lettering style, and made from the same material. It doesn’t require any extra effort for people to absorb the information the signs are providing.

An effective sign system should aim for basically the same effect. When designing signage, experienced sign makers and designers will either work with your company’s existing branding guidelines, or create new ones, in order to keep things visually cohesive. 

Keeping it cohesive is possibly the most important part of a great sign system. People learn quickly; if your company’s logo is bright green and black, they’ll know to look for bright green and black elements when searching for directional or informational signage. Humans tend to categorize things, and making sure the signs all look the same ensures that visitors will see them as part of a unit with information that comes directly from your company.

How can I upgrade my sign system?

Sign systems are often designed and installed during construction, but it’s never too late to create one. If you’ve noticed that customers and visitors are having a hard time finding their way around your building, park, or campus, you might greatly benefit from creating a system. 

It might help to keep in mind that sign systems aren’t just for decoration, and they’re not purely informational, either. Ultimately, a truly effective signage system helps design an experience for visitors, no matter what kind of place they’re visiting. If they’re able to find their way around easily, and information is clearly communicated to them, they’re much more likely to have a positive experience.

To get started on creating a great experience for customers and visitors at your business, give us a call today! We’d be happy to work with you to create an environment that’s welcoming, visually appealing, and just as unique as the services and products your company offers.