Choosing the Right Vehicle Graphics: Classic vs Modern Designs
In today’s world, your ability to customize your vehicle is unlike ever before. From vinyl stickers, graphics, and whole body wraps, the possibilities are essentially endless. With such a wide range of possibilities, you might be asking yourself “But how do I choose the right vehicle graphics?”
When deciding on the best graphics for your vehicle, there is a lot to consider. For instance, if this is a commercial vehicle, what type of wrap would suit your brand best? Would a classic wrap or modern design work for your vision?
At Pinnacle Signs & Graphics, we sell visibility. Often, we outfit vehicles with classic and modern designs. There is no true right or wrong choice here, but the choice should be an informed one. Let’s get into it.
Types of Car Wraps and Graphics:
A classic car wrap or graphic can be known by the standard colors you find them in. A classic car wrap will be a neutral color, likely white, silver, gray, and or black. These designs are somewhat timeless, and will work on virtually any vehicle.
A classic car wrap or graphic may also be a muted tone, like burgundy or tan. In general, you can categorize a classic car wrap or graphic as one that uses a minimal color palette, and could possibly be put on any type of vehicle. These wraps and graphics tend to cost less, due to the limited color palette, lack of effects, and low production cost.

This type of design would suit a brand that is timeless, does not use many bright colors, tends to not have bold graphics, and is on a tighter budget. However, keep in mind, classic designs don’t have to be boring. Effects can be added to classic designs, like glosses or matte finishes!
A modern car wrap or graphic can be known by the use of bright colors, high amount of detail, ranging color palettes, and wraps or graphics with special effects. A modern vinyl wrap or graphic may use a range of colors, or may even change color under UV light.
Modern designs tend to cost a great bit more than classic designs, but they can be worth it. These wraps and graphics might not suit every vehicle or brand, but with the right design and attention to detail, the use of modern designs can result in a high amount of recognition of your vehicle or brand.
Modern designs may suit a brand if they utilize bright colors, bold graphics, are looking to be unmistakably noticed, and have a high budget for their vehicle’s design.
How to Choose Between Classic and Modern Designs:
Ultimately, the type of design you choose will be dependent on your brand identity, vehicle type, and budget. Modern designs tend to cost more due to the effects, ranging color palettes or bright colors, and use of multiple material types.
A ultra-bold modern design may work best on a large fleet van with flat sides. The larger the vehicle, the better readability of fonts, logos, and graphics. A smaller vehicle, though still able to benefit from a modern design, may need something more minimal to avoid confusing or unrecognizable imagery.
Additionally, modern cars may suit modern graphics the best! A sports car might look the best in an ultra shiny chrome wrap, while a classic vehicle may look a little out of place in a wrap that is bold.
Classic designs, though more minimal, can still be greatly impactful. Not only will they cost you less, but with the right design, they can be the more successful advertising choice. Depending on the brand identity, a classic design would seamlessly fit in with branding, and effectively communicate your message. Though a classic design is less flashy, a classic design can seamlessly span across a fleet of vehicles of all different shapes and sizes without impacting your design choices.
As stated earlier, the type of vehicle you are wrapping or adding graphics to should be taken into consideration when choosing between classic or modern designs. Classic vehicles, such as Broncos or VW Bugs, do best with retro themes and classic designs. Though they can be outfitted with modern designs, it may look a little out of place.
Ultimately, the right choice lies in many factors. If you are unsure of how to choose between classic or modern designs for your vehicle wrap or graphics, the Pinnacle Signs & Graphics team is here for you! Check out our vehicle wrap gallery, or give us a call at 501-812-4433! A member of the team can help you choose the design that is best for you.
Call (501) 812-4433 or reach out to get a quote today!


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