How to Transform Interiors with Wall Graphics

Looking for an affordable and versatile way to change the look of your office, living room, bedroom, bathroom, or break room? Wall graphics are a great way to create a bold look, a consistent theme, or to promote a brand. Lettering can emphasize the name of your business, remind readers of your core values or mission, or spell out an encouraging message. 

Whether you’re looking to transform your home or your business from the inside out, wall graphics are the perfect solution. 

Make a Statement With Statement Walls

Interested in a fresh new look for 2021 (who isn’t?!)? You don’t have to deal with the mess of painting every room in your house or office. Instead, you can shift focus, brighten your space, and refresh your look with a statement wall! You can use motifs and colors that emphasize your branding or use color psychology to evoke the desired mood. For instance, did you know that blue is very calming, but yellow can make people anxious and hungry? 

Consider the room you’re revamping carefully, and choose the wall that will make the most impact. If you’re in an office setting, choose a wall that’s visible to most of your employees based on where they sit. If you have cubicles, you may want to opt for a wall that can be seen upon entrance instead. You can also choose an architecturally interesting wall for your statement wall. 

For instance, if you have a slant in the roof that creates a triangle, or there’s exposed brick halfway through one wall, highlight it! Good design creates visual interest and excitement. 

Tell Your Story

One of our favorite unique and special ways to use wall graphics effectively is to tell a story. Use a combination of graphics and visual elements to create a narrative of your company history. This transforms your space in a way that is both attractive and meaningful for your customers and employees. Timelines with original black and white photos lining the hallways, full wall murals of important moments, and beautifully designed representations of your mission statement are all excellent ways to stay on brand while elevating the design of your space.

You can even tell different stories in different spaces. Customer-facing areas are perfect for “About Us” and “Our History” type displays while reminders about company culture and motivational graphics work well for employee-only spaces. You can use custom wallpaper, vinyl wall wraps, vinyl decals, and signage to create images and ideas that will speak to your audience and enhance your style. 

Just make sure to consider the amount of space available in correlation to the story you want to tell. You don’t want to crowd too much into one space! In most cases with design, less is more. Luckily, vinyl wall wraps and decals are available in all sizes small and large. 

Provide Meaningful Information

Interior design is meant to be functional as well as attractive – you should never have to settle for just one! Adding attractive wayfinding features like room labels and directional indicators can be very helpful for new employees and visiting customers. And a customized directory can be a very personal and official touch!

Guiding signs decrease the risk of interruption and make initial visits less stressful for new customers by helping them navigate on their own. And if you’re a public building, you may need ADA compliance components for your signs like pictograms, second languages, braille, or tactile graphics. You can use vinyl wall decals, signage, and full wall graphics to accomplish any of your business’s functional goals. 

If you are trying to decide how you can transform your interior spaces, look no further! Pinnacle Signs and Graphics is here to help you stay on brand, on budget, and on point! We have a full team of graphic designers waiting to help you create attractive, functional designs for your workspace that will inform and delight. Just contact us to schedule a customized consultation.